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Shows & Events: HTML Embed

Village Players of Fort Thomas is excited to announce its 2024-2025 mainstage season!​ Individual tickets are available for $20, and season tickets are on sale for just $60!


Sally Cotter and the Censored Stone by Dean O’Carroll

A comedy running September 27-October 5

Courtesy of Playscripts, Inc.

Directed by Jim Waldfogle

When Sally falls asleep while reading books about a certain juvenile wizard, she dreams that she is a student at Frogbull Academy of Sorcery. There she meets Headmaster Albatross Underdrawers, Gamekeeper Ruebenon Ryebread, and Professor Shiftia Shape. But danger is lurking, and it’s up to Sally and her new friends Dave and Harmonica to defeat the schemes of the evil Lord Murderdeath. Will she become the hero like the one in her favorite series? And who is the mysterious Censor who keeps rewriting the story as it goes along? This loving parody will thrill fans and newcomers alike.


Holidazed 2 by Various Local Playwrights

A New Works holiday production running December 6 - 15

Co-directed by Teri Foltz and Angela Forbes

A curated collection of original 10-minute works from local playwrights to celebrate the holiday season. Featuring plays by Bill Brohaugh and Lisa Holt, Teri Foltz, A.K. Forbes, Fred Tacon, Keith Vanden Eynden, and Rose Vanden Eynden.


True West by Sam Shepard

A drama running February 21 – March 1

Courtesy of Concord Theatricals

Directed by Jerry Wiesenhahn

This American classic explores alternatives that might spring from the demented terrain of the California landscape. Sons of a desert-dwelling alcoholic and a suburban wanderer clash over a film script. Austin, the achiever, is working on a script he has sold to producer Sal Kimmer when Lee, a demented petty thief, drops in. He pitches his own idea for a movie to Kimmer, who then wants Austin to junk his bleak, modern love story and write Lee’s trashy Western tale.


These Shining Lives by Melanie Marnich

A drama running April 25 - May 3

Courtesy of Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

Directed by Becky Collins

These Shining Lives chronicles the strength and determination of women considered expendable in their day, exploring their true story and its continued resonance. Catherine and her friends are dying, its true; but theirs is a story of survival in its most transcendent sense, as they refuse to allow the company that stole their health to kill their spirits—or endanger the lives of those who come after them.

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